Die Digitalisierung als Chance sehen, fordern die beiden Autoren Urchs und Cole. Ihre Thesen sind streitbar.
Homo s@piens


Navid Kermanis Reisen in eine beunruhigte Welt berühren die »Grenzen des Berichtbaren« Link zum Artikel
Was Andy Warhol A Hindu?

Much like Indian philosophy, Warhol’s art too seems to question the nature of reality, says KRISHA KOPS Link to the article
‘My love, I want you to be’

KRISHA KOPS says you can be perfect lovers if only you don’t let expectations and ego get the better of you. This is true for romantic love as well as any love concerning others, he explains Link to the article
C.H. Beck: Germany’s literary rock for a quarter millennium

Today’s publishers are either closing or merging into weighty giants. Family-run publisher C.H. Beck, now celebrating 250 years, is bucking the trend. But trans-Atlantic talks could disrupt its comfortable perch. Link to the English version, the German
Frei wie ein Schmetterling

Homosexualität in Indien: Heuchelei und Unwissenheit lassen wenig Platz für Schwule