As my passion for words does not merely restrict itself to the written word, I am trying to enter into spoken dialogue as often and in as many ways as possible. Thereby, I especially focus on philosophical topics. Like in my writings, I am predominantly interested to bring intercultural and life related issues to a broad audience. In the subcategories you will find information concerning a J. Krishnamurti dialogue group as well as my upcoming philosophical workshops, talks, or presentations. If you want a foretaste, here you go.
Here are some of the topic I have presented so far:
Beyond the Binary
- The selfie as philosophical question
- Gender and identity
- Trust in society
- Utopianism and its contenders
- When is art – and if so, why?
- Giving instead of taking – a philosophical plea for giving
- Responsibility – what it is and we how we can live up to it
Indian Philosophy
- Introduction to Indian philosophy
- The Bhagavad Gītā
- Patañjali’s Yogasūtra
- Gandhi’s philosophy
- Radhakrishnan’s philosophy
- Plato and Indian philosophy
- Indian concepts of time
Intercultural Philosophy
- The importance of intercultural philosophy
- Freedom in East and West
- Ethics in West and East
- The philosophy of death
- The philosophy of happiness
- An intercultural approach to love
- Identity, ego, and self
- How to read controversial books
The Art of Living
- Philosophy as exercise
- Philosophy as art of living