* Du stehst mit Jon „Bones“ Jones im Octagon, tauchst ab, bekommst den Takedown, mountest ihn, Spinning Armbar, Tapout. Dass dies passiert, ist nicht nur unwahrscheinlich, sondern grenzt geradezu an Unmöglichkeit. Außer man hat das neue EA Sports UFC Videospiel. Link zum Artikel *picture by Bago Games
EA Sports UFC angespielt

To have or to be

* Advertisements are telling us “I am what I am” (Reebok), “be Marlboro”, “be yourself” (One Watch Company), and other empty phrases that attempt to level and associate our being with commodities. That is what I call ontological rape, the estrangement from being through material.
Spraying history on Munich’s walls

Munich, the birthplace of modern graffiti in Germany, wants to promote street art. But is legal graffiti still fun? Some artists see subsidies as interference, while property owners are already calculating removal costs. Link to the article
Gebannter Augenblick

2012 war Manuel Niedermeier Stipendiat der Bayerischen Akademie des Schreibens, nun ist sein Debütroman im C. H. Beck:Verlag erschienen.
Looking For Nirvana In Cyberspace

Did you know that you are participating in a divine plan this very moment that you are surfing through the infinite vastness of the cyberspace, sending and receiving information? At least, that is what some members of the founding generation surrounding Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the world wide web, thought. Link to the article
Himmler’s song

Hitler’s architect of death and Gandhi, the pacifist, followed the Bhagwad Gita faithfully, but with very different results, says Krisha Kops Link to the article