Über den Dandyismus. Nach einem Artikel von Simon Lohmeyer für seinen GQ-Blog Supertramp. Link zum Artikel
The Dandy Way of Life

The Song of Songs

Until today the Bhagavad Gita is being politicised. In order to understand why it became of such importance and what problems come along with it, we have to understand the reception of the holy poem in its historical context. Link to the article
Gandhi and Krishnamurti on Non-violence

A couple of months ago I published an article in the Speaking Tree concerning the importance of Gandhi’s teachings on non-violence, respectively ahiṃsā, for the present. In the meantime, however, I came to the realisation that there are someone else’s teachings, which are, at least, complimentary: J. Krishnamurti’s. Link to the article
A Genuflection for Forgiveness

Politician and writer Dr. Shashi Tharoor criticises in his book “An Era of Darkness: The British Empire in India” the British colonial rule of India and their apologists. I spoke to him on the matter. Link to the article In seinem Buch An Era of Darkness: The British Empire in India kritisiert der Politiker und Autor Dr.…
Love Letter to Charmaine Craig

Dear Charmaine, I go by many names. If you want, call me Felix Krull, Hauptmann Köperick, der gestiefelte Kater, the talented Mr. Ripley, William Abagnale Junior – I am not what I am, but who you want me to be.
Entdecken Sie den Dandy in Sich

Der Gentleman, der anderen mit Respekt und Höflichkeit bis ins Detail begegnet, ist eine bedrohte Spezies. Unser Autor fordert die Rettung des unbedingten Stilwillens. In Playboy 02/2018